Issue #14
Issue #14 showcases 128 pages of original "Play Time" themed art from over 45 artists. Featuring cover art by Matthew Hoffman, documentation of Cody Hudson's Artist-in-Residence at Soho House Chicago and a scratch & sniff comic strip by Jason Polan.
This limited edition issue is also the official catalog for the Toledo Museum of Art's 2015 Spring / Summer "Play Time" themed show.
Faesthetic #14 is SOLD OUT! Released 2015

Cover art by Matthew Hoffman. Featuring work by Stephen Eichhorn, Sarah Bernhard, Dan Matutina, Sarah Haug, Matthew Daniel Swan, Keith Greiman, Braulio Amado, Friends With You, Sally Thurer, Daniel Guerrero Fernández, Prate™, Torie Leigh, Andrew Abbott, Mister Phil, Amir Fallah, Jon Contino, JK5, Magic Sweater, Chad Kouri, Dieter Van der Ougstraete, Justin Wallis, Paul Octavious, Fionn McCabe, Bijan Berahimi, Ted Parker, Denis Carrier, Dark Igloo, Cody Hudson, Gluekit, Zansky, Ricardo Rodriguez, Michelle Duni, Dalek, Matt Huynha, Gavin Edwards, Chuck Anderson, Margherita Urbani, Karen Barbour, Adam Batchelor, Julian Glander, Kyle Jorgensen, Lucas Noguera, Jon Fox, Jason Polan, & Jose Mertz.