Issue #10
Issue #10 showcases 128 pages of original "Scams & Deceit" themed art from over 35 artists. Featuring high quality 2 color offset printing, original cover art by Mike Perry & Jim Stoten, and a 16 page photo series by SKULLPHONE.
Faesthetic #10 is SOLD OUT! Released 2008

Cover art by Mike Perry & Jim Stoten. Featuring work by Gluekit, Panayiotis Terzis, Pedro Lourenço, The Artist's Guide, Think Faest with Playlab by Forest, MOMO, Craig Atkinson, Skullphone, Anke Weckmann, Zeke S. Clough, Colin henderson, Maxwell Loren Holyoke-Hirsch, MWM, Tan Nuyen, Daniel Hipolito, Dan Zvereff, Philip Tseng, Nanami Cowdroy, Jon Contino, Sandy Carson, Mitch Beige Brown, Lorin Brown, Julia Heglund, Dave Z Franzese, Wotto, David Creighton-Pester, Toby Neilan, Mike Marsicano, Susan Coady, Aaron Hogg, Nicholas Gazin, Robin Footitt, Samantha Hahn, Jemma Hostetler, & Adam White.