Issue #12
Issue #12 showcases 128 pages of original "Home" themed art from 35 artists. Featuring high quality 2 color offset printing, original cover art by Maya Hayuk, inside cover art by Dan Funderburgh and a feature & recap on our installation exhibit "This Must Be the Place."
Faesthetic #12 is SOLD OUT! Released 2009

Cover art by Maya Hayuk, inside cover art by Dan Funderburgh. Featuring work by Jennifer Daniel, Steven Burke, Inés Estrada, Brian Butler, Think Faest with Caroline Hwang by Forest, Ian O'Phelan, Scott Hassell, Oliver Schulze, THIS MUST BE THE PLACE with photos by Colin Young Wolff (featuring Prate™, Damien Correll, Dan Funderburgh, SkullPhone, Gluekit, Joel Speasmaker, Matt Curry & Maxwell Loren Holyoke-Hirsch), Ashkahn Shahparnia, Emmanuel Romeuf, Able Brown, Matthew Dent, Tori Leigh, Jesse Balmer, Jon MacNair, The Artist's Guide to Home, We Buy Your Kids, Mark Ward, Yoann Plard, Misery, Brett Amory, Jared Stumpenhorse, John Szot, & Holly Wales.